Archive for July, 2009


Substitution for Protein Powders

July 31, 2009

I’m confident that we can all get enough of the macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) in our diet just by eating real, all-natural, whole foods. I’m not big on supplementation and protein powders and the like. Besides the fact that I don’t want to be consuming excessive amounts of protein, I also don’t like all of the additives that are included in the processed powders.

My problem is that there are many great healthy recipes out there (particularly on food/health blogs) which call for protein powder, and whenever I come across one of these recipes I’m stumped! I never know what I should substitute the protein powder with. I like using powdered peanut butter such as PB2 or FitNutz instead of protein powder, but I can only get these products online so they are quite expensive and dear to me. They need to be rationed!

Then I came across skim milk powder.

Skim milk powder is cheap and has a good amount of calcium and protein in it without going overboard. It contains the exact same ingredients that regular milk does and you can find it at any grocery store. It works great in recipes! It doesn’t add any flavor that I have noticed so there’s no problem with tossing a few tablespoons into smoothies, energy bars, baked goods, or anything else you’d want to add protein powder to. As a bonus to being really healthy, skim milk powder is fat free, low in calories, and provides the calcium that many of us are lacking.

I tried making drinkable liquid milk out of the powder by combining it with water as suggested on the package. It works well enough but the taste is chalky. If I didn’t have any milk in the fridge and I was desperately craving milk, I’d turn to the powder-and-water recipe, but otherwise I think I’ll stick with the liquid ready-made milk at the grocery store as it’s much tastier. As far as a protein powder replacement goes, however, skim milk powder is perfect. It has now joined my other loves (Chickpeas. Whole wheat flour. Raisins. Almonds. A wide variety of herbs and spices.) on the shelf as pantry essentials.

Of course, if you do like protein powders, there are plenty to choose from. Just look at this great list that MizFit compiled! Everything you ever wanted to know about protein powders is right there (though I have had difficulties finding most of them in the grocery store… such a shame how many wonderful foods are too obscure to be found easily. And the ones that I have found at health food stores are outrageously expensive. Sighs).

Do you use protein powders? Are there any other substitutes that you like to use instead of protein powders? I’m interested in hearing your ideas.


Product Review: Glee Gum

July 29, 2009

Writing a Novella

One of my current projects (besides, you know, the 9k race, the Burpee Challenge, writing my two blogs, preparing for another nutrition challenge… etc, etc) is completing my novella which I have been working on for nearly two years now. It is bundles of fun and I am happy to say that I am nearing (I think) the end of the road at last. I talk a bit about the writing process here and would love it if you went over and shared your own thoughts and experiences about writing fiction and blogs, and having fun with different styles of writing.

Glee Gum

Glee Gum is something special. I gave up regular gum some time ago because it’s really just chemicals in a tablet. Chewing on aspartame doesn’t exactly appeal to me. But sometimes it’s nice to have a piece of gum to chew on, and something a little bit healthier made with all-natural ingredients is the best way to go! The super nice people at Glee Gum were happy to send me a few samples to try (yes, we can get Glee Gum in Canada too!).

Glee Gum is more eco-friendly than regular gum because it is made with chicle, a natural tree sap, for chewing texture. The packaging is also recycled cardboard so it’s all around good for the environment.

6 flavor cutout

The packages are honestly adorable. The cute little character on the front makes me smile, and I love the old fashioned label. The gum itself comes in many flavours, including peppermint, spearmint, cinnamon, bubblegum, triple berry, and tangerine. Two pieces contain 5 calories and 2 grams of sugar (the equivalent of half a teaspoon). While that seems like a lot of sugar, it is at least a natural sugar rather then artificial. No, it is not sugar-free, but I think that if you’re going to chew on a piece of gum, having a little bit of sugar in it is going to do you far less damage than if you go with the sugar-free stuff (because who knows what’s in those products!).

I enjoyed the taste of all of the different kinds of gum, and I would definitely choose Glee Gum over regular gum for health purposes if I wanted some to chew on. I had a couple of other people taste-test the gum with me and we all agreed that our main complaint with this gum is that it is difficult to chew and the flavour disappears too quickly. If you don’t mind really working your jaw while chewing on a piece of gum (does that count as exercise?) then you’re good to go! But it’s too bad how quickly the flavour vanishes, because the taste of the gum is really good. It just doesn’t last more than a few minutes.

Spearmint menagerie72_1How cute are all of these little boxes?

Have you tried Glee Gum? Do you chew regular gum? What are your thoughts on the artificial sweeteners that reside in so many brands of gum lining the grocery store shelves?


Award-winning chocolate chip cookies, learning how to use a typewriter, and ANOTHER race!

July 27, 2009

My weekend with my grandparents in their beautiful little beach town in Ontario was wonderful. The last few days, for me, have looked something like this:

– got lost while using a GPS. Well, we didn’t exactly get lost, but the GPS wanted us to take the scenic route to Port Elgin, gravel back roads and all. I liked the nice little adventure, but it was a good reminder that technology doesn’t always know best. Sometimes reading a map is your best bet.

– went for two runs (20 minutes and 45 minutes)* and a few long, much-needed after-dinner walks.

– ate 3 pieces of angel food cake, 14 (or was it 15? I lost count) chocolate chip cookies, 4 blueberry muffins, 7 biscuits spread with butter, and 2 (3?) blueberry/cherry tarts in addition to bowlfuls upon bowlfuls of fresh strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. And steak. And roast chicken. And cold pork sandwiches. And mashed potatoes. And piles of raw vegetables. It was an eat-a-thon of the best sort. And my grandma’s chocolate chip cookies won an award 5o years ago! Obviously, we had to indulge in a few more cookies after hearing that news and seeing her first-place ribbon.

Devin eats a cookie:


Sagan eats a cookie (surrounded by desserts. Yum):


– finished reading The Angel’s Game. Carlos Ruiz Zafon is an excellent author and the book is brilliant (his writing is beautiful, and I’m not just saying that because he hails from Barcelona a.k.a. the city that holds my heart), but it’s a very disturbing story all the same.

– enjoyed a couple old movies, The Third Man (which has been a favourite of mine for a long time) and Monsignor Quixote (the book of which I’ve read but had never seen the film version. The movie made me just as teary-eyed as the book did. One of the best stories ever written. Graham Greene, you complete me).

– wandered and drove alongside the shore in between bouts of rain.

– engaged in many a political/philosophical/rhetorical conversation with my grandparents.

– assisted my grandma with cooking delicious food.

I loved the visit. My cookbook collection has expanded from the couple that my grandma has given me- her entire basement seems to be lined with cookbooks; it’s a foodie’s dream. A writer’s dream was also had: my grandpa pulled out his old typewriter and taught me how to use it.


I adored typing on it. I will definitely be investing in one of those in the near future. Something like that would be so much fun for writing my novel!


And we spent much of our holiday laughing together:

P7250925How was your weekend?

* The main reason for those runs was because one race this summer was apparently not enough! Almost immediately after we had finished the first race, my friend Richard (the one that I ran the 6k with) suggested we sign up for a 9k race that is scheduled for August 8th. For some reason I happily agreed to it. I’m excited! It will be very challenging, I’m sure. The 6k that I ran was actually closer to 6.5k because of the trail that we were on, and I think that my usual runs are close to 8k, so I should be able to run 9k without too much difficulty. But it definitely will not be easy! And that’s the point of a good challenge.


Guest Post: 10 Tasty Desserts That Are Good For Your Health

July 24, 2009

Who doesn’t love dessert? However if you’re not careful, you just
might blow your daily calorie count on just one dessert. Before you
determine that you’ll never be able to eat dessert again, look at some
healthy but delicious options.

1. Baked Apples: Not only is this dessert healthy but it’s also
delicious too. These can easily be made in the microwave with a
sprinkling of cinnamon. Then you get the fibre and vitamins that the
apple has to offer and the natural healing power of cinnamon for a
dessert home run.
2. Frozen Yogurt: This is an excellent and tasty alternative to ice
cream. Offering a fraction of the fat and calories that ice cream
offers, it can still fit into a healthy lifestyle while actually
tasting good at the same time.
3. Dessert Pizza: Using wheat flour to create a whole grain crust
is an excellent source of fibre and wonderful foundation for this
specialty pizza. Then adding in favourites such as low fat pudding to
hold the ingredients together keeps the calorie count low. Put
together a good variety of fruits that can boost the antioxidants and
vitamin count.
4. Pumpkin Pie: Though pie doesn’t initially sound like a healthy
choice, it truly can be. The canned pumpkin used is low in fat, high
in fibre, vitamins and minerals, and overall an excellent choice. Use
a low fat pie crust and top with low fat whipped cream and you have an
excellent dessert choice.
5. Angel Food Cake: This light and airy cake is naturally low in
fat and makes an excellent foundation for the perfect healthy dessert.
Though you can eat this cake alone for a low calorie count, adding
fresh fruit can boost the nutritional content and make it an even
better choice.
6. Fruit Crisp: Some simple modifications in this dessert can help
to pack a healthy punch and still make this a delicious choice. Use
granola, chopped almonds and a tough of light brown sugar to get the
same sweet and crunchy blast that this dessert offers. Then slice up
any fruit that you like and you have yourself a vitamin-enriched and
delicious dessert option.
7. Yogurt Parfait: We all know that yogurt is an excellent source
of calcium and therefore using it as the foundation for a delicious
dessert works well. Layer up yogurt and then add fruit with a sprinkle of
granola in between to make an amazing blend. The fresh fruit will
provide the vitamins; the granola packs the fibre content and the
8. Grilled Fruit: The perfect treat for summer! Throw all of your
favourite fruits on the grill and let them cook on a low heat to
caramelize and turn into a naturally healthy and totally delicious
9. Pudding: Who doesn’t love pudding? By simply using skim or low
fat milk to prepare it, you can enjoy all of your favourite flavours of
pudding and get in some calcium at the same time. You can even top
with a touch of low fat whipped cream.
10. Dessert Quesadillas: Use whole wheat tortillas for added fibre
and whole grain goodness. Then use a low fat spray to keep the outside
crisp and then coat the inside with low fat cream cheese, fresh fruit,
and even a touch of yogurt to boost the nutritional content and keep
things still healthy and low fat.

Mary Frederick is a blogger and enjoys writing about medical career
topics, such as how to get an online Master’s in Nursing, job and education tips, and more.


When nutrition gets neglected

July 22, 2009

Although fitness-wise I’ve been doing very well on the health front, my nutrition has been veering wildly off course since Folk Fest. In fact, the night before my race on Saturday, I had a beer and then ate dinner at a diner: cheeseburger with lots of French fries and a cookie. My stomach was aching all weekend. On top of that, I had some delicious chocolate cake on Saturday (thank you Robin!) as well as another burger and Annie’s mac and cheese (leftover from the camping weekend… it tasted too processed for my liking), a couple peanut butter cookies and plenty of cinnamon toast crunch cereal.

After all of those French fries my body was crying for some water. I felt like I was sodium in human form. Thus I have spent the last couple days eating buckets of salad to nurse my body back to health via deliciously nutritious foods.

I’ve also been hard at work putting together a chickpea burger recipe. I will post it when I’m satisfied with it. By which I mean to say, I really enjoy the patties, but everyone else only finds them to be mediocre so when someone else agrees with me on the taste then I will be satisfied that it’s a good enough recipe to share. But I will tell you this right now: it features homemade ketchup and a mixture of flaxseed meal and wheat germ in place of breadcrumbs. Superfood in a burger right there.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about happiness and what really makes us happy. I like the idea put forth in this wee article about how good nutrition plays a major role in personal happiness. It states that mangoes, high in vitamin A and C, help to stabilize mood and treat depression. Perhaps the mounds of mangoes that I ate in Cambodia were part of the reason why my mood changed so drastically while I was there? This might also explain why I eat so many grains: they help deal with feeling cold and I am always cold (or maybe grains are just really, really tasty. That could also be a possibility).

Regardless, what we eat changes our bodies and often our minds as well.

It seems, then, that because of my recent poor nutrition, this is a very opportune time to be visiting my grandparents for the weekend! They live a province away and it’s been a year since I last saw them. My grandma is one of the best cooks that I know (aren’t grandmas always?), so I’m really looking forward to her homemade goodies. It will also be great to cook and bake with her. I can’t think of a better way to nourish my mind and body than spend four days in the company of my grandparents, cooking and eating good food, discussing our favourite authors, and swapping political viewpoints.

It’s also especially opportune because so many of you will be at the BlogHer conference, so this will cheer me up that I can’t go. I’m sorry that I won’t get to meet all of you- that’s what happens when a conference is so popular that it gets filled up before I register. Sighs. I hope those of you who are going to BlogHer have a fantastic time!

How will you be nourishing your body this week/weekend?

I’ll be away from the computer from Thursday through Sunday- but be sure to check back here because there are some excellent pre-planned posts scheduled for while I’m away! Taking a break from the computer screen definitely counts as a healthy activity 🙂


Race Challenge: Success

July 20, 2009

One year ago I ran because of depression. Because I was hurting.

This year I ran because I wanted to challenge my mind and body. Because I discovered that sometimes, I really love running.



On Saturday I completed my Run A Race This Summer Challenge: a 6.5k trail run.

Time: 34:23



I placed 45th out of 101 runners, 9th out of 36 in my age category. My friend Richard placed 28th overall! It was invigorating and fun and hard. Running on a muddy, hilly trail is so much different than running on flat city pavement.

Yesterday I decided to begin the two hundred squats challenge as a celebration of having completed my Run A Race challenge. I did the initial test to see how many squats I can perform consecutively with good form (using a mirror and everything to ensure I wasn’t getting sloppy), and I did 210. Beginning and completing a challenge in one day has to be some kind of record for me! All in all, it was a pretty good weekend for fitness.

You. Can. Run.


Life Lessons: Running Challenge comes to a close

July 17, 2009

Giveaway Winner

And the winner of the FitNutz powdered peanut butter giveaway is… Charlotte! Email me your mailing address and I’ll get your FitNutz sent straight to you. We’re all interested in this PB popcorn that you spoke of so you know that now we’ll all be expecting you to test it out and tell us how it is 😉

Run A Race This Summer Challenge

The challenge is still on for those of you who want to participate but haven’t yet taken part in a race. As of tomorrow morning, I will have completed this challenge! I’m incredibly excited to run my first ever race (we’re not counting elementary school. I used to run track “way back in the day” but my memories of running those races are hazy at best). I’m especially excited because a few days ago one of my best friends offered to run the race with me, so it will be fun to have someone else there to celebrate this achievement.

I didn’t exactly follow a training schedule (even though there are many fit bloggers out there that seem to be involved in the Couch 2 5k and it sounds like a really great program), but instead ran a couple times each week for about two months now, 30-45 minutes at a time. I can keep up a very steady pace that entire time so I know that my endurance has increased considerably.

A couple weeks ago Caroline and I went for a run. I set the pace because she’s a marathon runner and has far more experience with running and races than I do. But by the end of our run, she said that the pace that we had gone at was the same pace that she usually runs at! That was a real compliment. It’s good to know that I might be faster than I thought I was.

She also told me that she usually runs on the road rather than the sidewalk because the surface is gentler on the joints. I hadn’t thought about that before, but now that I’ve started running on the road I’ve realized that there really is a difference. The ground almost feels springier. It’s such a simple thing but it really delighted me to learn that about running. Starting a new activity can be intimidating because you don’t know anything about it or have any idea what you’re getting yourself into… but that’s also what makes it interesting and so much fun! That might be why I want to try many different kinds of activities.

From this challenge, I have discovered that running in the rain is invigorating. That doing an extra loop around the block can put a smile on your face for the rest of the day. That you can move fast and become powerful in brief spurts of sprinting. That arriving home out of breath and with a slight stitch in your side is the blissful feeling of accomplishment. That walking is still my favorite activity, but running is no longer my enemy. That I sometimes kind of sort of might enjoy running.

What have you learned from this fitness challenge?


Recap of an indulgent weekend

July 15, 2009

Guest Posting

I’m guest posting at Dr. Mommy Health Tips! Check it out to learn more about almost-vegetarianism (as opposed to flexitarianism). Speaking of guest posts, I’ll be going away next weekend to Ontario and later on in the summer I’ll be going away for another short trip, so if anyone is interested in writing a guest post here at Living Healthy in the Real World (or even for Living Rhetorically in the Real World!), do let me know. I’d love to have you!

Camping, great music, partying, socializing…

This past weekend I spent four days camping at Birds Hill Park with thousands of other people at Folk Fest. It was fantastic. The music was out of this world- between Elvis Costello, Neko Case, Josh Ritter, Hey Rosetta!, Iron and Wine, Mirah, Steven Page, Xavier Rudd, Serena Ryder, Martha Wainwright, and Patrick Watson among many many others, it would be pretty hard to beat. The performances were amazing.

Camping was a whole other experience in itself. Although I used to go camping every year, it’s been quite a while since I last went camping and I’ve never been out there with such an enormous group of people. It was so healthy for the soul to meet new people and run into old friends. A big bundle of fun!

While my mind was boosting it’s health with enormous strides, my body perhaps didn’t receive quite the same treatment. I tried to prepare beforehand, and I think that I definitely managed to lessen the damage by stocking up on healthier foods. I made a gigantic batch each of crackers, hummus, and energy bars. The people I was camping with- my sister and our friend- and I also brought along bread, nut butter, jam, plenty of fruits and veggies, chocolate covered raisins, chips, and Kraft Dinner. I got a can of Annie’s pasta in tomato and cheese sauce (I don’t recommend it. Far too salty; I didn’t even finish it) as well as Guiltless Gourmet blue corn tortilla chips (delicious!) in a weak attempt to maintain some good nutrition.

There was plenty of food available to buy at Folk Fest, too, including some food stalls catered by local/organic/vegan restaurants. I indulged in those vendors a couple times but also enjoyed plenty of kettle corn. Considering that I had Kraft Dinner one night and some fried tofu another, I was surprised that I felt fine all weekend except for Saturday night when my tummy was sore (although that might have been alcohol consumption rather than food). “Exercise” consisted of hauling beer, walking from the campground to the festival grounds multiple times a day, and dancing at the shows.

It was really good to get away from a mirror for a few days. It really does wonders for the body image when you don’t look in the mirror and see what you perceive to be flaws, but which no one else even notices or cares about. I also made the decision to leave my pedometer behind at home and to not track anything. Normally I track how much money I spend each day, how many steps/miles I walk each day, and what/how much I eat each day. But I took four days off from doing that. I walked and danced and ate and spent money when I wanted to and stopped when it became too much. It was indulgent, but I was also more intuitive about it than usual.

I’m back to wearing my pedometer and tracking everything again now that I’ve returned home. The main reason for that is because I honestly enjoy writing lists and keeping track of it all. But I enjoyed the experiment of not doing it, too. I enjoyed just completely letting loose and having fun and drinking as much sangria from a watermelon bowl as I felt inclined to. Taking a break from the norm, from the usual restrictions- yes, even to eat Kraft Dinner– put it all back into perspective for me. Focusing on improving our health is incredibly important. Knowing the reasons for why we’re doing it, and having fun with it, and making sure that it remains a part of our lifestyle rather than getting in the way of living, is equally as important!

Last chance to enter my giveaway!


Guest Post: Yoga for Running

July 13, 2009

Carrie Lundy, a yoga instructor in my city, studied yoga in India. I’ve taken an outdoor yoga class with her and it was fantastic; I definitely have to do that again sometime soon. She agreed to answer a few questions that I had about yoga in general, and particularly about what it can do as a supplement to other activities such as running (Run A Race This Summer Challenge, anyone?). Here’s what she had to say!

Yoga of any kind can have tremendous benefits for athletes of all types so many people find that it can be helpful to integrate yoga into their regular training program.

How often should people do yoga to get the best results? As is true for many yoga questions, I would say that this depends on the individual, both when it comes to preference but also body type and injuries. Some people try to practice every day, others find it helpful to practice once a week. I think that in some ways it really just depends on why someone is practicing in the first place.

How can yoga be beneficial to those training to run races? Many poses can be helpful in opening the hips, widening the stance (therefore lengthening the running stride), and increasing endurance. A steady yoga practice also improves breath and body awareness, as well as focus, all of which can be beneficial to all athletes.

Can yoga help with knee injuries? Many who incorporate yoga into their regular training, or who maintain a daily practice report a decrease in aches and pains after a run. In terms of existing knee injuries, as with back issues, these often stem from having tight hips. Therefore incorporating yoga into training could very well help relieve some of the pain as hip-opening poses are common in many styles of yoga. Some people claim that a steady yoga practice eliminates some problems altogether. It is important to also keep in mind that one of the basic elements of yoga is listening to your own body and finding your individual edge, taking a step back if there is ever any pain or discomfort. Many instructors will be happy to give modifications and adjustments to help with specific injuries.

Are the health benefits different between regular yoga and hot yoga? There is a long list of benefits that come with all schools of yoga. Each style has its own sequence of postures, breathing techniques, and philosophies. I think it is important to practice different forms of yoga to gain the benefits of the varying postures, styles, and teaching methods.

That being said, my Moksha background does tend to make me a bit biased towards hot yoga, specifically Moksha Yoga Winnipeg! A lot of people think the heat will be over-whelming, but I think many are surprised to discover how soothing and relaxing a room at 37C can be. The same way a sauna, heating pad, or hot water bottle can be applied as a form of relief, hot yoga relaxes the joints and can ease aches and pains, such as arthritis and migraines.

Moksha specifically is a unique series of 40 postures that combine the precision of therapeutic yoga and the foundations of traditional yoga in a specially heated room. It is a cardiovascular workout that loosens, strengthens and tones the muscles, while calming the mind and reducing stress. The heat allows for deep, safe stretching and promotes detoxification of the skin, blood and muscles through sweat (you might be surprised to discover just how much you can sweat out in a 60-minute or 90-minute class).

A huge range of benefits, as well as information on trying hot yoga for the first time can be found at Regardless of the style or temperature of the class, most will agree that one of the major benefits to any type of yoga is just that it feels so good! Your body will truly love you for it…correction: you will truly love your body for it.

So, there you have it! Have any of you runners found yoga to be a useful part of your training?


Review and Giveaway: FitNutz Peanut Butter

July 10, 2009

I was very happy when the people behind FitNutz Peanut Butter agreed to send me some samples to review. Most health/food bloggers seem to have tried PB2 at this point and we’re all raving about that brand of peanut butter (I adore it so much that I have it shipped to me from the USA… BIG carbon footprint right there), but little is mentioned when it comes to FitNutz powdered peanut butter. I have been curious for a long time about what makes one powdered peanut butter different from another, and now I’ve had the opportunity to do a taste-test!

I did a video review and it all worked out according to plan but WordPress is causing difficulties, so I guess video posts are just not happening around here. Sighs. But anyways: on to the (now written) review.

As soon as I received FitNutz in the mail I tried it immediately. I felt the need to eat it off the spoon to get the full impact of the flavor. The first thing that popped into my head when I tried it was that it tasted very peanut-y. Now, that might seem a little obvious because after all it is peanut butter, but if you’ve had PB2 then I’m sure you’ll understand my surprise. PB2 has quite salty/sweet overtones, making it easy to eat an entire jar over the space about two days (seriously). FitNutz, however, has much more of a peanut taste. Because of that, it works perfectly in sandwiches!

There are three kinds of FitNutz: regular, pro, and chunky. The regular is 50 calories per two tablespoons, 5 grams of carbohydrates, 6 grams of protein, and 1.5 grams of fat. The pro has retained the fatty acids, so if you’re looking for an energy boost of healthy fats then the pro is a good choice. Chunky FitNutz has granulated pieces of peanuts included in the powder. Personally I’m a lover of smooth peanut butter all the way, and normally I completely avoid chunky peanut butter, but this stuff actually wasn’t too bad. I had it in a sandwich with jam and it was enjoyable.

Overall I really like FitNutz. I bet it would be a great substitute for protein powder, too. I’m not a fan of protein powders because of all the additives (and because I believe that we don’t need excessive amounts of extra protein if we’re already eating a balanced diet- but that’s a post for another day), but lots of recipes call for it so this is what I would use instead.

It transitions nicely when smeared on bread or fruit. Much as I love PB2, I never eat it on bread because I find that it simply does not work well in sandwich form; the taste is too far from true peanut butter for it to work. Each kind of powdered peanut butter has it’s strengths and weaknesses, but I really like them both and can definitely see myself buying FitNutz in the future. If you’re after that great peanut taste with a fraction of the fat and calories, FitNutz is for you.

Have you tried FitNutz? Would you like to win some samples? Leave me a comment below telling me what you love about nut butters. I’ll probably use the Random Number Generator, but if past giveaways are anything to go by, clearly I can be easily swayed by a comment that pulls at the heart strings or is especially creative (hint hint ;)). What, for example, would you do if you had a hundred jars of peanut butter?

Winner will be announced one week from today, on Friday July 17th. Canada and USA only.